Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Dear readers,
first of all welcome in this adventure.This blog has been created with the intention of sharing with you the entire course of thesis of two young students of architecture. The wish of sharing builds its bases both in showing all the analysis necessary for the development of project ideas and in having a direct relationship with our readers, to talk and to enrich our last academic training. Now follows the report which was attached to the submission of the thesis, which contains the main objectives that we considered choosing a neighborhood that will be at the cutting edge from every point of view.
For your information we are followed by these professors:
Prof. A. Giancotti (urban planning and architectural)
Prof. L. De Santoli (technical systems, smart grids)
Prof. E. Arbizzani (architectural technology)
Experimental evolution model for the urban redevelopment of ex “SDO Casilino” area in Rome

Integrated design of an area, nowadays abandoned and unrestrained, as an urban sewing in a densely populated area of ​​the city of Rome. Because of this aim we are searching for a new urban system in which through the harmonic arrangement of architectural signs and through the integration of rational networks,  functions of Social Housing and urban services, you can encourage social relationships and cooperation between people. In this operation will be integrated, at every scale of the project and within all systems, the use of sustainable building and energy technology.

The thesis puts further four main objectives:
  • Apply the principles of sustainability at all scales of design
  • Continue and redevelop the principles of Co-Housing and Public-Housing following the wake of the experiments in northern Europe
  • Demonstrate the competitiveness of responsible planning at different scales
  • Configure the urbanization as a power plant, through the use of a smart grid that connects all the units producing energy from renewable sources, and pour the unused proportion of produced energy in the network
In pursuing these objectives will be to address several issues:
  • How to fit to local scale various examples of sustainable architecture? How to place them within an urban setting with centuries of history behind it? Designin a urban void will take the meaning of responsible and socially advanced urbanization, with the aim to mitigate the deficiencies found in the surrounding areas: ease traffic, absorb pollution and produce it as little as possible, provide basic services for the area project and  those missing in the surrounding areas.
  • Reorganize substantially the relationship between nature and the built-up to privilege both the environment and the human being. The urban greenery will become a great planned work, which will be developed in tandem with the built-up in order to obtain multiple effects: improvement of the urban microclimate and energy balance, filtration and air purification from dust and pollutants, noise mitigation, street furniture and road improvements, better urban usability.
  • Promoting social integration through the shape and spatial arrangement of functions within the same building manufacturing. Taking control of established concepts such as mixité and co-housing and public-housing’s living concepts and discuss them again to meet the social changes brought by the frenetic development of the twenty-first century.
  • The design approach comes from the integration of cutting edge energy technologies, passive bioclimatic systems and natural materials in order to achieve maximum comfort, indoor health and sustainability.
  • Last but not least, the goal is to design low housing prices, or at least in line with European standards, which are usually much lower than the Italian ones. The problem at this point lies in the desire to obtain a hi-tech building even if new technologies often lead to higher costs. For this reason, the bet will be to reorganize the building process, reducing the constructing periods. Infact, these becomes too many times responsible to define the square meter price to the final user. One way to achieve this target will be the use of automatic solutions, pre-fabricated components and dry assembly methods.

  • Norbert Lechner: Heating, Cooling, Lighting: Design methods for architects” Ed. Wiley
  • Josep Maria Montaner: Sistemas Arquitectonicos Contemporaneos; Ed. Gustavo Gili
  • V.Bagicalupi/C.Benedetti: Progetto ed energia; Ed. Kappa
  • M.Marrocco: Progettazione e costruzione bioclimatica nell'architettura; Ed. Kappa
  • N. Tubi, M.P. Silva, F. Ditri: “Gli edifici in pietra” ; nella collana “Progettazione ecologica” a cura di G. Scudo e M. Grosso. Ed. Esselibri - Simone
  • R. Luckmann: “Elementi e parti dell’edificio”. Ed. UTET
  • C. Latina, L. Giannini: “Repertorio di particolari costruttivi”. Ed. UTET
  • AA. VV.: “Manuale pratico di Edilizia Sostenibile” ; nella collana “Progettazione ecologica” a cura di G. Scudo e M. Grosso. Ed. Esselibri - Simone
  • K. Tichelmann, J. Pfau: “Costruzioni a secco” nella collana “Praxis”. Ed. UTET
  • T. Hugues, L. Steiger, J. Weber: “Legno” nella collana “Praxis”. Ed. UTET
  • T. Hugues, L. Steiger, J. Weber: “Pietra naturale” nella collana “Praxis”. Ed. UTET
  • M. Hegger, M. Fuchs, T. Stark, M. Zeumer: “Atlante della sostenibilità” Ed. UTET
  • J. Natterer, T. Herzog, M. Volz: “Atlante del legno” Ed. UTET
  • C. Loyd Jones: “Atlante della bioarchitettura” Ed. UTET
  • B. Zevi: “Nuovo manuale dell’architetto” Ed. Mancosu
  • “Manuale dell’architetto” Ed. Hoepli
  • David Squire: “Alberi e arbusti: Guida indispensabile alla selezione” Ed. Il castello

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