Friday, December 16, 2011


What was described in the previous posts regards some rigid settling typologies, which maintain some features that are easily identifiable and  replicable.  However these typologies of isolates and of planned fabrics result alienating in their being serial.
What would happen if there were proposed some architectures that could mix the features of different typologies?   What kind of spaces could be obtained? With which peculiarity?
Because of these matters were selected four (until now) urban projects where the typological rigidity was overcome. Every one of them could be recognized as the sum of simpler characteristics previously analyzed. Therefore there came out new architectures with new qualities but also with new critical aspects.

Last line is interested by our intentions: once that we have scientifically analyzed many projects from different points of view, we extrapolated those  good features we are especially interested in and therefore will involve our project.

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